Friday, July 27, 2007


There are times, (I think I have another post starting with the same words) usually evenings (more usually those highly-philosophically-oriented evenings) when I will be all set to write a blog(Microsoft Word 2003 is showing spelling error for ‘blog’. Talk about being behind the times) on some topic. I would even have the sentences framed in my mind. But by next day morning (when I would have a keyboard in front of me) I would have lost the entire urge to post. So many a posts have gone that way and never came back. (What smiley should I put here a :) or a :( ???)

Now why did I write this? ZimBly, (can’t help poking fun at my mother tongue). Speaking of that, one of my colleagues had some very interesting observations about Kerala (other than the boringly common ones about coconut oil and bananas):
1. Kerala is the only land where people drink hot water (wow! I never knew that bit of trivia)
2. In Kerala men don’t work, it seems females earn the livelihood (no comments)

Thankfully he was sitting in the front seat of the car and me in the backseat, so I was spared the effort of replying. And the others in the car were too awed by these tidbits of info to see whether I was sleeping or watching the dull green fields pass by.

Now onto stereotyping, I am not too bothered about this mallu stuff. But stereotyping girls- that bother me at times (I mean those times when I am not my usual ‘passive-nonchalant-why bother’ self)
The way women are portrayed in movies and books-those irritatingly frail characters who don’t understand a thing about football and snort at bikes, who cooes “so sweet” 5 times a day, who take hours in front of the mirror, who cry seeing a senti scene and faint seeing a war movie, who consider shopping as the only form of entertainment etc. Real life versions are different I feel. Maybe a certain percent fall into this category, but u do have a variety of characters among the female population. It is really unfair when people assume things about u just because u happen to be a girl.
Common, not every girl would appreciate a teddy bear as a birthday gift : D